Hi guys, I hope you're getting your reading on this Thanksgiving weekend :)
I was thinking about putting all of November's "Unplug and Read" books all in one post, but I decided against it because I thought that each book deserved its own review. (In case you missed what I planned to read this month, journey over to this post!) I wasn't able to read The Uglies because of time constraints, but I bought it so I can come back to it in the future.
Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Book 1 in the Delirium trilogy
Young Adult Fiction // Categories: Dystopian, Romance, Science Fiction
Release Date: August 2, 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins
Format: Paperback • 441 pages
Rating: 3 stars
Other books by Lauren Oliver: Before I Fall
"In an alternate United States, love has been declared a dangerous disease, and the government forces everyone who reaches eighteen to have a procedure called the Cure. Living with her aunt, uncle, and cousins in Portland, Maine, Lena Haloway is very much looking forward to being cured and living a safe, predictable life. She watched love destroy her mother and isn't about to make the same mistake.
But with ninety-five days left until her treatment, Lena meets enigmatic Alex, a boy from the Wilds who lives under the government's radar. What will happen if they do the unthinkable and fall in love?"
Although I abandoned this book the first time I read it, I'm glad I decided to pick it up again. Love as a disease is a strange concept, but Lauren Oliver did a pretty good job providing solid examples (i.e., death due to love in Romeo and Juliet.) I really enjoyed playing this book like a movie in my mind, especially the thrilling and heart-pounding parts.
I have to give this book three stars for the interesting storyline and ability to keep me flipping onto the next page, even when I was tired. It didn't reach the status of AWESOME because it took a while for the story to actually start, I think it would've made a really good TV show though. (It was supposed to be one, but FOX cancelled it ...) Read this if you're looking for a twisted love story!
Which book would you like to hear about next—Allegiant or The Maze Runner? Tweet me at @amarisafloria to let me know!
Hmm I may have to try reading this one again...I started it a few months ago, but it seemed slow in the beginning. I think I only made it past the first few chapters lol