I had a lot of feels for The Selection and The Elite, so I decided to do a little book talk. It is something out of my comfort zone, but I really wanted to create a place where we could all share our thoughts and have a nice discussion.
I haven't read the last book (The One) yet, but as soon as I get it in my hands I will be reading it. If you've read these two books or even the entire trilogy, let me know if you liked it!
I haven't finished The Elite yet, but so far I like this series! I like America and Prince Maxon as characters. I could understand all her reasoning for doing things, and I like that we get to know Maxon better as the first book went on. The only thing I didn't like was that most of the girls were so nice. I kind of wanted the girls to be meaner, but maybe that's just me. Anyway, I really liked this video and I thought your discussion points were really great!