I love looking back throughout the year to pick out all the good things that happened (here's the one I did in 2013!) It's so easy to hold on to bad days, so putting this together makes me appreciate being able to even go to all these different places and be with friends and loved ones.
Here are a couple of things I ate, saw and did during 2014:
In the middle of January, my boyfriend and I joined two of our friends for a trip to Disneyland (no surprise there!) and stopped at Snow Monster for dessert. It was a HUGE plate of shaved ice, but so yummy. Before I left for the trip, I was able to share a meal with a long-time good friend (hi Mel!) Yes, those are chips in my sandwich :p My boyfriend and I also drove across the new Bay Bridge, which was a first for me.
My boyfriend and I shared our third Valentine's Day together at Left Bank in Santana Row and in March, we celebrated a good friend's birthday at Yard House! One the first day of June, we built my bookshelf :) We were also able to take one of my younger brothers, Matt, to Disneyland for his first time! He really enjoyed it. Mel and I hung out again at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco and ate some REALLY delicious honey toast.
In August, I celebrated my 22nd birthday at Mama's in San Francisco for breakfast. I was also able to meet Jandy Nelson, Nina LaCour and Gayle Forman at a book signing (much excitement). In September, I watched Wicked for the second time with my four of my friends! I loved it just as much as the first time. In October, the advertising team I was a part of joined together and played in a wiffleball tournament at school. I'm pretty sure this was the first time I was part of a sports team and actually enjoyed myself :p
In October, the San Francisco Giants won the World Series on the same day I received my copy of 1989! In November, my boyfriend and I shared our third anniversary together at Arcadia (their fries were DELICIOUS). At the beginning of December, Stephanie and I went to Mix 106.5's Very Merry Mixer and saw Matt Nathanson, Andy Grammer and American Authors (MY NEW FAVORITE) in concert. I always have so much fun with her :p Before classes ended, the campaign I worked on with three others in my advertising class won the Blue Cow Award. I also graduated from university so now I'm a free woman, woohoo!
Here are a couple of things I ate, saw and did during 2014:

In the middle of January, my boyfriend and I joined two of our friends for a trip to Disneyland (no surprise there!) and stopped at Snow Monster for dessert. It was a HUGE plate of shaved ice, but so yummy. Before I left for the trip, I was able to share a meal with a long-time good friend (hi Mel!) Yes, those are chips in my sandwich :p My boyfriend and I also drove across the new Bay Bridge, which was a first for me.

My boyfriend and I shared our third Valentine's Day together at Left Bank in Santana Row and in March, we celebrated a good friend's birthday at Yard House! One the first day of June, we built my bookshelf :) We were also able to take one of my younger brothers, Matt, to Disneyland for his first time! He really enjoyed it. Mel and I hung out again at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco and ate some REALLY delicious honey toast.

In August, I celebrated my 22nd birthday at Mama's in San Francisco for breakfast. I was also able to meet Jandy Nelson, Nina LaCour and Gayle Forman at a book signing (much excitement). In September, I watched Wicked for the second time with my four of my friends! I loved it just as much as the first time. In October, the advertising team I was a part of joined together and played in a wiffleball tournament at school. I'm pretty sure this was the first time I was part of a sports team and actually enjoyed myself :p

In October, the San Francisco Giants won the World Series on the same day I received my copy of 1989! In November, my boyfriend and I shared our third anniversary together at Arcadia (their fries were DELICIOUS). At the beginning of December, Stephanie and I went to Mix 106.5's Very Merry Mixer and saw Matt Nathanson, Andy Grammer and American Authors (MY NEW FAVORITE) in concert. I always have so much fun with her :p Before classes ended, the campaign I worked on with three others in my advertising class won the Blue Cow Award. I also graduated from university so now I'm a free woman, woohoo!
I hope 2014 was a great year for you — but here's to 2015 being even better :)

Hi guys! I hope you are all doing well and having a lovely time with family and friends during this cold season. The end of the year is almost here, so here are my top ten reading goals I'd like to keep in 2015:
1. Read books I actually want to read
During this year, I found myself reading too many "random" books and not enough books I actually wanted to read. In 2015, I hope to pick books not for review purposes, but because I know I will enjoy them. (For that reason, I'm not going to set a number goal for 2015. I will still challenge myself to read 50 books on Goodreads, but I want to focus more on the types of books I choose to read instead of how many.)
2. Purchase less, read more
I briefly mentioned this in my end of year book survey — I went a little crazy buying books this year because I just started finding book blogs, watching booktube and building my TBR pile. I'm not embarrassed at all of having too many unread books (the more, the merrier!) but it does cost money so I better be reading it, right?
3. Read at least two already-purchased books each month
This goes hand in hand with my second goal, but I thought it deserved its own spot :p I have the tendency to check out ebooks/new books at the library and neglect the ones on my shelf (hey, they'll be there forever so I have all the time in the world to read them, or so it seems ...) I'm hoping to end the year with 50% of my books read, which is definitely doable. If I end up actually doing it. I will do it.
4. Finish abandoned series
I meant to re-read and finish the Harry Potter series this year, but I only read up to the Goblet of Fire. It took me a while to start the Order of Phoenix the first time around too, but I am determined to do it early in the year! I also want to finish the Shatter Me trilogy (Ignite Me) and the Delirium trilogy (Pandemonium and Requiem).
5. Read through the Bible
I haven't been able to get through the entire Bible yet (I always start a plan at the beginning of each year but I always fail after a month or so) but I've been pretty good about waking up a little earlier and reading bits during this past school semester, so I think I can do it this time around! Luckily, She Reads Truth is coming out with something called "365 Days of Truth" (a structured plan to read the Bible in one year) for everyone, which means there will be other people doing the same thing. It's always better together :)
6. Review more books
I started this blog to track my thoughts on every book I read, but I can't do that if I'm not taking the time to write it all out! I like to keep a little journal, which is just a book full of all my reactions and quotes I like, but having a structured review reminds me in clear detail what I liked and what I didn't. I like sharing that with you guys, so I will try and review the books I read as soon as I can so I don't forget anything.
7. Continue features, don't just start them
Just call me Amaris the one-post-feature girl. I tend to start new features and never continue them (Exhibit A: The Weekend Line-Up, Exhibit B: New on the Shelves). I have a ton of ideas and I like to introduce new things, but it's time to continue and stick with what I start.
8. Let go of unwanted books
There are books on my bookshelf I have read and never plan on reading again, so why are they still there? It's hard to let go. I admit (just this once), I am a book hoarder ... but I don't want to have a collection of books that I enjoy, not cringe at.
9. Update blog details, such the navigation bar and archives
You guys, I've been putting this off so bad. Even the "About Me" section needs to be changed. I'm hoping to take baby steps each day so it won't seem like much. This may be the one thing on this list I will have major problems with :x
10. Maintain the book journal
I started writing down new words in a journal to improve my vocabulary (those who know me in real life know I desperately need help in that area) but I eventually ditched the idea (too many words :p) and started writing down passages to revisit in the future, questions that would possibly be answered after finishing the book, things to mention in a review, etc. I like doing this while I read, so I will keep doing it :)
So there are my goals for 2015! I'll be revisiting them at the end of each month in my "Looking Back' posts (hopefully). If you have goals you'd like to keep and need some encouragement, tweet 'em to me at @amarisafloria and I will make it a mission to randomly message you throughout the year and make sure you're keeping up with them :p
What are two goals (one bookish, one non-bookish) you hope to keep in 2015? Do you think making goals at the beginning of the year is overrated and/or unnecessary? If you made any goals in 2014, how good were you at keeping up with them?

After listening to Taylor Swift's "1989" at least ten times, the first installment of my answers to Jamie (from The Perpetual Page-Turner)'s end of year book survey is here! I have the worst memory EVER, so please forgive me if I lack variety. Also — I picked from all the books I read in 2014, so some answers may include books that were published before 2014. Here we go!

Number Of Books You Read: As of today, it is 70!
Number of Re-Reads: 5 — the first four Harry Potter books and Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
Genre You Read The Most From: Definitely YA contemporary

1. Best book you read in 2014?
I'll be posting a list of all my favorites from 2014 in a couple of days so that will have more information about ALL the ones I loved, but for right now ... these were three of my favorites:

Best in contemporary romance = Open Road Summer by Emery Lord
Best in contemporary (general) = We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
Best in science fiction = Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott
2. Book you were excited about and thought you were going to love more but didn't?
Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins. I know, I know ... some people are going to say "WHAT!!!" but I was expecting something more after reading and loving Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door. I still enjoyed it, just not as much as I thought I would.
3. Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read in 2014?
The entire Amulet series by Kazu Kibuishi. (I guess if you want to get really specific — books four, five and six.) I have never been into reading graphic novels and did not think I would ever say the words I LOVE A GRAPHIC NOVEL SERIES, but it's true and I'm saying it!

Going through this series has been such a whirlwind and if I start a book, I will not move until I finish it. The illustrations are also SO cute and beautiful (yes, both) and I've literally gasped at so many of the things that happen because they come at such a surprise
4. Book you “pushed” the most people to read (and they did) in 2014?
Definitely We Were Liars! I talked about that one for so long and personally recommended it to both Thyra (a friend from university) and Albertine from Lovely Rose Petal. I'm pretty sure they both loved it, so I consider that a job well done hehe.
5a. Best series you started in 2014?
I've only read the first book (Cinder) in The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, but I have a big feeling that it'll be one of my favorite series by next year.
5b. Best sequel of 2014?
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi.
5c. Best series ender of 2014?
Does Where She Went by Gayle Forman count? Because that was a great last book :)
6. Favorite new author you discovered in 2014?
Emery Lord, because that woman can write. (Her next book, The Start of Me and You, will be out in May!)
7. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone?
Cinder. It was hard to get through the first half because I wasn't used to reading science fiction, but I ended up loving it. This book is favorites material.
8. Most unputdownable book of the year?
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins.
9. Book you read in 2014 that you are most likely to re-read next year?
Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill, because I didn't get a chance to appreciate it the first time around.
10. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2014?
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.
11. Most memorable character of 2014?
Kenji from Unravel Me!
12. Most beautifully-written book read in 2014?
The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan.
13. Most thought-provoking/life-changing book of 2014?
Crazy Love by Francis Chan.
14. Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2014 to finally read?
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling.
15. Favorite passage/quote from a book you read in 2014?
I have TOO MANY (if I come across something I like, I always write it down in my journal), but here is one I mentioned in my We Were Liars book review:

16. Shortest and longest book you read in 2014?
Excluding children books and novellas, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was my shortest read (98 pages) and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling was my longest (734 pages).
17. Book that shocked you the most (because of a plot twist, character death, left you hanging with your mouth wide open, etc.)
We Were Liars.
18. OTP OF THE YEAR (you will go down with this ship!)
Cath + Levi from Fangirl.
19. Favorite non-romantic relationship of the year?
Kenji + Juliette from Unravel Me! Or anyone paired with Kenji :p
20. Favorite book you read in 2014 from an author you’ve read previously?
All of the authors I've read from were new to me — J.K. Rowling was the only "old" one, so ... Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, then :p
21. Best book you read in 2014 that you read based SOLELY on a recommendation from somebody else/peer pressure?
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi.
22. Newest fictional crush from a book you read in 2014?
I can't just pick one, so my top three are: North from Stephanie Perkins' short story in My True Love Gave to Me (It's a Yuletide Miracle, Charlie Brown), Matt Finch from Open Road Summer and Étienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss :)
23. Best 2014 debut you read?
Open Road Summer.
24. Best world building/most vivid setting you read this year?
Any of the Harry Potter books (sorry for the cop out answer) ... but Anna and the French Kiss for most vivid setting, because it made me REALLY want to visit Paris.
25. Book that put a smile on your face/was the most FUN to read?
Boomerang by Noelle August. Even though there was a lot of mature content (aka tons of sexy times), I couldn't stop laughing throughout the book.
26. Book that made you cry or nearly cry in 2014?
The ending of Isla and the Happily Ever After.
27. Hidden gem of the year?
The Amulet series! I will not, and probably cannot, stop talking about this series. I can't believe there aren't more people talking about it.
28. Book that crushed your soul?
I don't enjoy reading books that are depressing (mainly because it doesn't affect me in the way it affects the majority of readers, so then I end up feeling like a robot with no emotions), but small pieces of Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper and Book Five of Amulet (Prince of the Elves) crushed me.
29. Most unique book you read in 2014?
Mind Games by Kiersten White.
30. Book that made you the most mad (doesn't necessarily mean you didn’t like it)?
The Elite by Kiera Cass. America was just very frustrating (let's be real though, when is she not) but it was fun to read.

"so many books, so little time" wallpaper from Stay Bookish
This year was the first year I really started looking for book blogs to read so there are a ton to choose from, but I ALWAYS read Hazel from Stay Bookish's posts when I see a new one!
2. Favorite review that you wrote in 2014?
I'm still trying to figure out a way that I'd like to structure my reviews, so they're improving slowly but surely. With that said, I think my most recent one (Isla and the Happily Ever After) would be the favorite.
3. Best discussion/non-review post you had on your blog?
Reading on Vacation. I think it was the first discussion I posted, and I was so excited to read actual comments from people :p
4. Best event that you participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events, memes, etc.)?
I always love reading and writing for Top Ten Tuesday, but being able to meet Gayle Forman, Nina LaCour and Jandy Nelson (!!!) was the best bookish event of 2014.
5. Best moment of bookish/blogging life in 2014?
Any moment I was able to connect and make friends with other book bloggers (Hazel from Stay Bookish, Rachel from Paper Cuts, Charlene from Bookish Whimsy, etc.)!
6. Most popular post this year on your blog (whether it be by comments or views)?
I don't keep track of my stats, but my "Top 10 Books I Want to Read But Don't Own Yet" post was quite popular.
7. Post you wished got a little more love?
"Gettin' Graphic" :)
8. Best bookish discovery (book-related sites, book stores, etc.)?
Risa Rodil, who does AMAZING designs (two of my favorites are this print of The Fault in Our Stars and this redesigned cover of Eleanor & Park), and craftedvan's magnetic bookmarks (this Ariel one is TOO cute). That was two discoveries ... might as well pop one more in: this art piece of all the Stephanie Perkins characters (spoilers if you haven't read all three books) is SO GOOD. Even though it was posted three days ago, I still wanted to share it. LET US ALL SWOON TOGETHER.
9. Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of this year?
I made a list of six goals at the beginning of this year and ... I finished one goal (read 50 books) and half of two (read five already-bought books and re-read the entire Harry Potter series). I abandoned the list when I found out about fifty million other new-to-me books, which I don't consider a bad thing, but I'll be continuing these goals in 2015. It'll be a little different though, which you'll get a chance to see on Tuesday!

1. One book you didn’t get to in 2014 but will be your number one priority in 2015?
Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman! I was REALLY looking forward to this one but I never got to it because I didn't have a copy, but now I do so no excuses!
2. Book you are most anticipating for 2015 (non-debut)?
AHHH this one is so difficult ... I'm going to have to say The Start of Me and You just because Open Road Summer made me SO happy.
3. 2015 debut you are most anticipating?
Oh gosh this is even tougher. The first one that comes to mind is The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall.
4. Series ending/a sequel you are most anticipating in 2015?
Salt & Stone by Victoria Scott. Not a fan of the cover, but I really enjoyed Fire & Flood.
5. One thing you hope to accomplish or do in your reading/blogging life in 2015?
Purchase less, read more. I bought more books than I read in 2014, so that will have to change next year. (More on this in an upcoming post!)
So there you have it! I can't believe 2014 is almost over already. If you did this end of year survey too, please send me a link so I can look at it :)

It’s been a year since it happened—when Paige Hancock’s first boyfriend died in an accident. After shutting out the world for a year, Paige is finally ready for a second chance at high school ... and she has a plan. First: Get her old crush, Ryan Chase, to date her—the perfect way to convince everyone she’s back to normal. Next: Join a club—simple, it’s high school after all. But when Ryan’s sweet, nerdy cousin, Max, moves to town and recruits Paige for the Quiz Bowl team (of all things!) her perfect plan is thrown for a serious loop. Will Paige be able to face her fears and finally open herself up to the life she was meant to live?After reading Open Road Summer earlier this year, Emery Lord has been placed on my radar and will forever be one of my favorite YA contemporary romance authors. (I mean, unless she writes a book in a different genre ... in that case, she is one of my favorite authors PERIOD!)
Brimming with heartfelt relationships and authentic high-school dynamics, The Start of Me and You proves that it’s never too late for second chances.
Have you read Open Road Summer yet? Which book are you waiting on this Wednesday?

I don't have a Christmas tree (cue gasps), so Santa — feel free to leave these on my side table :p

1. All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
There have been so many people on YouTube talking about this grand historical fiction novel following a blind girl and orphan boy during World War II. I am really fascinated by anything that takes place during WWII but have yet to read a book during that time period!
2. Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes
It is rare for me to start a fantasy series (let alone pick up a fantasy book!) but I want to challenge myself and expand into different genres. I do love my contemporary though :p
3. The Rosie Project by Graeme Samson
I've wanted to read this book for a while, but I haven't been able to find a copy in the Canadian cover!

4. Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas
Albertine from Lovely Rose Petal just finished reading this book and loved it, so I couldn't not add it to my list.
5. Falling into Place by Amy Zhang
I haven't heard a single bad thing about Falling into Place, so it needs to be physically added to my TBR pile soon.

I'm sure Santa has access to ARCs, so here are five that I wouldn't mind getting a bit earlier ;)

6. I Was Here by Gayle Forman
I would really like this book in my hands right now (as you may have inferred from my first Waiting on Wednesday post last month.) Like I mentioned, I'll read anything Gayle writes!
7. The Heir by Kiera Cass
Even though I think this series should have ended as a trilogy, I still can't help but be excited to read this. The cover is B-E-A-U-TIFUL!
8. The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall
This is Hall's debut novel so I don't know how she is as a writer, but the description of this mystery thriller is good enough for me to want to read it. (Even if Santa doesn't bring me an advanced copy, I will find a way to read this as soon as it comes out!)

9. 99 Days by Katie Cotugno
Although the topic of cheating doesn't interest me, Jillian from Bookish and Nerdy likes Katie Cotugno as a writer, so ... I would like to read this book. Yes.
10. A Wicked Thing by Rhiannon Thomas
I REALLY love fairytales, so seeing a new retelling (from another debut author!) based on Sleeping Beauty is very exciting. It takes place after she wakes up and has to marry a prince, but I secretly hope she runs away :p
I know I chose ten, but which ONE book would you want to see under your Christmas tree? Have you read any of the ones I picked? If you were Santa, which books would you bring your friends who don't read?
Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
Book 3 in the Anna and the French Kiss companion trilogy
Young Adult // Categories: Contemporary, Romance
Release Date: August 14, 2014
Publisher: Dutton (Penguin Books USA)
Format: Hardcover • 334 pages
Rating: 3 stars
Other books by Stephanie Perkins: Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door
Filed under: boarding schools
I wasn't planning to read Isla and the Happily Ever After, but I spotted it at my library in the new books section and had to read it. After zooming through Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door, I didn't have any doubts that I would end up loving this book. I WAS EXCITED.
To be honest, I was a bit underwhelmed. I know this book revolves around the challenges that Isla and Josh face rather than how they become a couple like in Anna and Lola, but I felt like I missed out on watching them develop and build those feelings for each other. Because of that, I wasn't able to fully understand how or why Josh liked Isla in the first place. Yeah, he thought she was hot, but that doesn't cut it for me. It's not that I want him to say exactly why, I just didn't feel like I could get it from who he is.
In both Anna and Lola, we see their settings (Paris and San Francisco) intertwined with the storyline, but I missed that in Isla. I was expecting to see Isla and Josh run around and explore New York City, but a lot of it took place at their boarding school in Paris. Even so, it seemed like it could have taken place anywhere. Barcelona came into the picture for a little bit, but that wasn't enough for me. I was just a little disappointed because I was expecting to experience a different city like I had in Anna and Lola.
I liked that Isla's best friend, Kurt, was part of the story. Having him around (as well as Isla's younger sister, Hattie) reflected a bit of who Isla is as a person. I enjoy a book a little bit more when friends and family are interacting with one another.
The "problems/challenges" that Isla and Josh had to go through weren't that intense or damaging to their relationship. It didn't give me that "NOOO WHY!!!" feeling and wasn't that big of a deal—probably due to Isla and Josh falling in love a little too quickly, in my opinion.
My favorite part of this book was seeing Anna/Étienne/Lola/Cricket, which is not so great because it is supposed to be about Isla and Josh. Don't get me wrong though, I had fun reading Isla. Although I had some problems with a few things, I enjoyed this book as a whole and would recommend it to you if you've read and loved Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door.
Isla wasn't my favorite, but don't let me stop you from reading it. I had quite a few expectations (as you can tell from above), so that might have affected my experience while reading it. I know a ton of people who have read and love Isla, so it really depends!
If you read Isla, did you enjoy it more than I did? What was your favorite scene? Would you re-read it? Out of Anna, Lola and Isla, which one was your favorite and why?
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