Week Notes #8: Feeling Down

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Photo by Dmitry Bayer (Unsplash)

It's been a year since I moved away from home and now it has inevitably caught up with me. I think I fooled myself into thinking I would be okay with it. And I was, in the beginning. On top of school and work, being far from my family and friends have put me in this perpetual state of loneliness. I don't get to talk to people who I've established strong friendships with face-to-face on a regular basis anymore ... and I know I'm only an hour out from where I used to live, but I am just barely keeping up with my school assignments. I think this is why I've been staying away from the Internet ... seeing people hanging out together and having a good time makes me sad. And when I'm sad, I tend to tell myself all the reasons why I'm not the person I want to be and that I don't even know who I want to be.

I don't mean to share this so you can feel sorry for me, I just want to be honest with where I'm at—and if you feel the same, to know that you're not alone. Even in my sadness, I know it's only a temporary feeling and I am still looking up ... but it doesn't mean it's not hard to see the light.

On the mountains, I will bow my life to the One who set me there
In the valley, I will lift my eyes to the One who sees me there


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